Top 5 Tips to Keep Your Air Vents Clean Longer
Extend the cleanliness of your air vents with these top five tips. Learn how to maintain your system’s efficiency and improve indoor air quality.
Read MoreNADCA Congratulates New Certification Holders (April 2024)
As the leading association in the air duct cleaning industry, NADCA offers two certifications: the Air Systems Cleaning Specialist (ASCS) certification and the Certified Ventilation Inspector (CVI) certification. These credentials are internationally recognized and known for showcasing an individual’s enhanced knowledge and skills related to HVAC system hygiene. Congratulations to the following individuals who earned their Air Systems Cleaning Specialist (ASCS) certification this month: […]
Read MoreCity Spotlight: Duct Cleaning Services in Toronto Area
In our City Spotlight, delve into Toronto’s unique air quality and HVAC challenges. Unveil the city’s leading duct cleaning services for a healthier home.
Read MoreNADCA Congratulates New Certification Holders (December 2023)
As the leading association in the air duct cleaning industry, NADCA offers two certifications: the Air Systems Cleaning Specialist (ASCS) certification and the Certified Ventilation Inspector (CVI) certification. These credentials are internationally recognized and known for showcasing an individual’s enhanced knowledge and skills related to HVAC system hygiene. Congratulations to the following individuals who earned their Air Systems Cleaning Specialist (ASCS) certification during […]
Read MoreDuct Cleaning as an Energy-Saving Strategy: A Guide for Homeowners
Discover how duct cleaning can be a game-changer for your home’s energy efficiency. Learn how clean ducts improve airflow, boost air quality, and save money.
Read MoreWhy Hire a Pro for Air Duct Cleaning?
Do you want to breathe clean air in your home? Keeping your air ducts clean is crucial for this goal. Over time, dirt, dust, and other pollutants can accumulate in your air ducts, affecting the air quality in your home and potentially leading to health problems. Here are several reasons why you should choose a […]
Read MoreNADCA Congratulates New Certification Holders (February 2022)
As the leading association in the air duct cleaning industry, NADCA offers two certifications; the Air Systems Cleaning Specialist (ASCS) certification and the Certified Ventilation Inspector (CVI) certification. These credentials are internationally recognized and known for showcasing an individual’s enhanced knowledge and skills related to HVAC system hygiene. Congratulations to the following individuals who earned their Air Systems Cleaning Specialist (ASCS) certification during the […]
Read MoreNADCA Congratulates New Certification Holders (October 2021)
As the leading association in the air duct cleaning industry, NADCA offers two certifications; the Air Systems Cleaning Specialist (ASCS) certification and the Certified Ventilation Inspector (CVI) certification. These credentials are internationally recognized and known for showcasing an individual’s enhanced knowledge and skills related to HVAC system hygiene. Congratulations to the following individuals who earned their Air Systems Cleaning Specialist (ASCS) certification during the […]
Read MoreHall of Shame: Dirty duct cleaner won’t come clean
Rob Wolchek: “Moshe Peretz. That’s you.” Moe’s the partner in an air duct cleaning company that’s sucking in the cash. [fusion_code]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[/fusion_code] They clean up by using dirty tricks according to some of their customers with a bunch of websites for supposedly local 5-star companies that lure you in. They use a technician with […]
Read MoreNADCA Congratulates New Certification Holders (September 2021)
As the leading association in the air duct cleaning industry, NADCA offers two certifications; the Air Systems Cleaning Specialist (ASCS) certification and the Certified Ventilation Inspector (CVI) certification. These credentials are internationally recognized and known for showcasing an individual’s enhanced knowledge and skills related to HVAC system hygiene. Congratulations to the following individuals who earned their Air Systems Cleaning Specialist (ASCS) certification during the […]
Read MoreGwinnett air duct cleaner helps deliver baby while on the job
GWINNETT COUNTY, Ga. — Nick Tatum runs a floor and air duct cleaning business. He was about to finish a job when the customer went into labor. All of this happened during a storm, so getting to the hospital was not happening. Tatum realized it was all on him. “Had you ever wanted to be […]
Read MoreClothing dryer suspected cause of Alexis Creek home fire, owner wants to warn others
Despite losing his Alexis Creek home and all its contents to a raging fire earlier this month, Neil Miller is thankful for his community and his life. “It could have been worse. I could have gone up with it,” Miller said when the Tribune called to check in on him after the fire recently. The cowboy said […]
Read MoreThe National Air Duct Cleaners Association Releases 2021 Edition Of ACR To Assess New And Existing HVAC Systems
The National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA), also known as the HVAC Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Association — has released its 2021 edition of ACR, The NADCA Standard for the assessment, cleaning, and restoration of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. The NADCA Standards Committee has finalized the 2021 edition of ACR, The NADCA […]
Read MoreFact or Fiction: Will cleaning air ducts curb COVID-19 transmission?
Are you really having a regular pandemic week if your phone hasn’t buzzed at least two to three times with sales calls from air duct cleaners? This sudden interest in air quality control during a global pandemic comes as no surprise to a Toronto professor, though he wishes it fell on the public’s mind sooner. […]
Read MoreDuct Cleaning Scams Cropping Up on Local Facebook Groups
Duct cleaning scams are nothing new, but postings targeted at local Facebook groups seem to have been on the rise over the last few months. The posts read very similarly to one another, often touting things like a “special discount” for the first few commenters and “unlimited vents and ducts.” The company name is […]
Read MorePolice warning public about duct cleaning scams
As spring cleaning begins, police are warning of a duct cleaning scam found online. The scam involves fraudulent ads found on Kijiji and buy and sell groups on Facebook. Often, they’re posted from overseas but will claim to be a local company, despite posting the same ad and phone number throughout the country. Another tactic used by […]
Read MoreHere’s how to avoid duct cleaning scams on Facebook
Beware of Online Scams: Secure Your Duct Cleaning Experience Ever scrolled through Facebook and found yourself immersed in local Buy-Sell groups? If you’re living in Northern Colorado like me, you’re likely a part of several such bustling communities. But, before we delve deeper into the intricacies of online scams, let’s talk about something incredibly […]
Scammers made more than 1.7 million robocalls into Washington state, pocketed 90 cents of every dollar they claimed to raise for charity SEATTLE — As a result of a lawsuit brought by Attorney General Bob Ferguson, 39 other attorneys general and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), two national companies that made more than 1.7 million robocalls […]
Read MoreNADCA Congratulates New Certification Holders (January 2021)
As a leader in the air duct cleaning industry, NADCA offers two certifications; the Air Systems Cleaning Specialist (ASCS) certification and the Certified Ventilation Inspector (CVI) certification. These credentials are internationally recognized and known for showcasing an individual’s enhanced knowledge and skills related to HVAC system hygiene. Congratulations to the following individuals who earned their Air Systems Cleaning Specialist (ASCS) certification during the […]
Read MoreNADCA Congratulates New Certification Holders (December 2020)
As a leader in the air duct cleaning industry, NADCA offers two certifications; the Air Systems Cleaning Specialist (ASCS) certification and the Certified Ventilation Inspector (CVI) certification. These credentials are internationally recognized and known for showcasing an individual’s enhanced knowledge and skills related to HVAC system hygiene. Congratulations to the following individuals who earned their […]
Read MoreAre Your Buildings Ready For The New Norm?
I have always learned to think three steps ahead of my competitors in business. The current pandemic crisis has shocked all of us into changing our viewpoint and future thinking around many different areas. For example, the idea of building maintenance and the use of new light-industry IoT may evolve into helping us survive in […]
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